News and events

Efter att Mark- och miljödomstolen vid Nacka tingsrätt i september höll huvudförhandlingen om tillstånd och villkor för det planerade kärnbränsleförvaret i Forsmark (mål M 1333-11 och mål M 4842-23) kom domstolens dom i målen den 24 oktober, 202
On December 31, 2023, the Swedish NGO O
On March 22, 2023, the Swedish
On May 11, 2023, the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court decided to confirm the decision of the Swedish government to approve the planned repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark.
A new book has been published by the Springer publishing house about the radioactive waste management situation in Europe. The director of the Swedish NGO office for Nuclear Waste Review, MKG, has contributed a chapter on the situation in Sweden.
On September 30, 2022, the nuclear waste company SKB submitted the latest R&D research programme report “Fud-22” to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM). The authority sent out the report for consultation during the autumn of 2022.
On 30 September 2022 the nuclear waste company SKB submitted the ”Plan 2022” report to the Swedish National Debt Office. The authority uses the report and underlying documentation for calculations in order to propose nuclear waste fees and financial guarantees for the period 2024-2026.


The government has on Jan 27 2022 taken a decision to approve the repository license application despite outstanding copper corrosion issues. Read more about this here >>


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