OECD:s kärnenergibyrå Nuclear Energy Agency, NEA, har i juli 2023 gett ut en rapport om atomansvar för kärnavfallsförvar.
Så här analyserar Miles Goldstick vid Milkas rapporten. Han tackar Friends of the Earth International epostlista no-nukes-eur@lists.foei.org för bakgrundsinformation.
"Det står mycket om Sverige i rapporten.
En allmän slutsats från sid. 64-65:
"... there remains the possibility that, despite best endeavours, the disposal system might not function as planned. Over very long timescales, natural disruptive events could compromise the engineered and natural barriers, or the barriers might perform substantially worse than planned (perhaps due to undetected defects during manufacture or construction)."
"... in the post-closure phase there is a situation that could give rise to exposures exceeding the dose limit. Human activities, specifically geological investigation and characterisation, have the potential to inadvertently bypass the barriers of the DGR and could bring waste directly to the surface (e.g. in drilling mud or as a core sample) or result in a more direct pathway to the surface for the radionuclides in the DGR. The high concentrations of long-lived radionuclides in HLW and SF mean that there is a risk of serious health effects in relation to such a situation, even if it occurred in the far future."
Slutligen, i rapportens sista mening (sid. 65) kommer ett försök att diplomatiskt konstatera att framtida generationers rättigheter är hotade. Det står:
"... it may be relevant to discuss, in due time, potential alternative liability regimes that would ensure that the rights of victims are duly ensured." "
Han hänvisar öven till en kort artikel om rapporten i tidskriften Nuclear Energy International. Länk till rapporten och artikeln finns nedan. finns på: https://www.neimagazine.com/news/newsnea-releases-report-on-deep-geological-repositories-and-nuclear-liability-11000635.
OECD/NEA-rapporten "Deep Geological Repositories and Nuclear Liability", juli 2023 >>
Länk till rapporten på OECD/NEA:s hemsida, 230707 >>
Artikel om rapporten i tidskriften Nuclear Energy International, 230712 >>