SKB sends complementary information on copper corrosion to the government

On April 4, 2019 the nuclear waste company SKB sent complementary information on copper corrosion to the government. The company declared that there are no problems with copper corrosion and that the environmental court has been misinformed and lacks the competence necessary to have an opinion on copper corrosion issues. MKG, the Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review, has studied the complementary information and has found that there is not much new information in the material. The argumentation by the waste company, that the court did not find sufficient, has not been markedly improved despite SKB claiming that there is much new information in the information sent to the government.

The Government har given the other participants in the review of the application until September 13, 2019, to comment on the complementary information. This includes the regulator SSM (that is also making an external review), the Swedish Council for Nuclear Waste and of course the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and MKG that will make a common statement to the Government.

The complementary information (mostly in Swedish except an SKB report in English containing technical information) can be found in a news article on MKG’s Swedish web site.

The government has on Jan 27 2022 taken a decision to approve the repository license application despite outstanding copper corrosion issues. Read more about this here >>


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