Här hittar du rapporter som berör slutförvarsmetoden djupa borrhål.
1. MKG rapporter >>
2. Rapporter från Kärnavfallsrådet >>
3. Rapporter från Sandia National Laboratories/U.S. DOE >>
4. Rapporter från Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) >>
5. Presentationer >>
6. Artiklar >>
7. Andra rapporter >>
8. SKB-rapporter >>
1. MKG-rapporter
Fergus Gibb "Underlag för kompletteringskrav rörande alternativa metoden djupa borrhål", maj 2012 >>
Karl-Inge Åhäll "Underlag för kompletteringskrav rörande grundvattenförhållanden på djupet och alternativa metoden djupa borrhål" maj 2012 >>
Karl-Inge Åhäll "Slutförvaring av högaktivt kärnavfall i djupa borrhål – en utvärdering baserad på senare års forskning om berggrunden på stora djup", 2006, nytryck 2007 >>
Karl-Inge Åhäll "Final Deposition of High-level Nuclear Waste in Very Deep Boreholes – An evaluation based on recent research of bedrock conditions at great depths", 2006 >> (engelsk version av länken ovan)
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2. Rapporter från Kärnavfallsrådet
Karl-Inge Åhäll "Deponeringsdjupets betydelse vid slutförvaring av högaktivt kärnavfall i berggrunden – en karakterisering av grunda och djupa slutförvar” 18 mars 2011 >>
Karl-Inge Åhäll "Brister i redovisningen av djupa borrhål som alternativmetod inför MKB-prövningen av ett svenskt slutförvar" 27 mars 2009 >>
"Djupa borrhål - Ett alternativ för slutförvaring av använt kärnbränsle?", rapport från KASAM:s utfrågning den 14-15 mars 2007 >>
"Deep boreholes - An alternative for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel?" report from KASAM's question-and-answer session on 14-15 March 2007 >> (engelsk version av länken ovan)
"Deponering av kärnavfall i djupa borrhål!" av Leif Bjelm, professor i Teknisk Geologi vid LTH, Lunds universitet, augusti 2007. Rapport från KASAM:s utfrågning den 14-15 mars 2007 >>
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3. Rapporter från Sandia National Laboratories/U.S. DOE
Bill W. Arnold, m.fl. "Deep Borehole Disposal Research: Demonstration Site Selection Guidelines, Borehole Seals Design, and RD&D Needs", oktober 2013 >>
Bill W. Arnold, m.fl. "Research, Development, and Demonstration Roadmap for Deep Borehole Disposal", augusti 2012 >>
Bill W Arnold, m.fl. "Reference Design and Operations for Deep Borehole Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste", oktober 2011 >>
Patrick V Brady, m.fl. "Pilot Testing Deep Borehole Disposal of Nuclear Waste: October 26, 2011 Albuquerque, NM Workshop Report" oktober 2011 >>
[Presentation] Andrew Orrell "Deep Borehole Disposal: Programmatic Drivers and Pilot Demonstration Path Forward" The Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Meeting 2011 >>
Patrick V Brady, m.fl, "Deep Borehole Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste", augusti 2009 >>
[Presentation] Peter Swift, m.fl "Deep Borehole Disposal Concepts: Preliminary Assessment for the Disposal of Used Fuel Assemblies" DOE Fusion-Fission Hybrid Workshop, 2009 >>
[Presentation] Pat Brady, m.fl. "Preliminary Performance Assessment of Deep Borehole Disposal" 2009 >>
Yarom Polsky, m.fl. "Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Well Construction Technology Evaluation Report", december 2008 >>
Bill W Arnold, m.fl "Thermal-Hydrologic-Chemical-Mechanical modeling of Deep Borehole Disposal" >>
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4. Rapporter från Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
M.J. Driscoll "Technology and Policy Aspects of Deep Borehole Nuclear Waste Disposal" >> (se även länken nedan till artikeln i Nuclear Technology)
K.G. Jensen, m.fl. "A Framework for Performance Assessment and Licensing of Deep Borehole Repositories" mars 2010 >>
B Sapiie, m.fl "Regional Examples of Geological Settings for Nuclear Waste Disposal in Deep Boreholes" januari 2010 >>
B Spaiie, m.fl. "A Review of Geology-Related Aspects of Deep Borehole Disposal of Nuclear Wastes" augusti 2009 >>
Taylor Allen Moulton "Parametric Study of the Total System Life Cycle Cost of an Alternate Nuclear Waste Management Strategy Using Deep Boreholes" 2006 >> (76 MB)
Christopher Ian Hoag "Canister Design For Deep Borehole Disposal Of Nuclear Waste" MIT 2005 >>
J.S. Gibbs m.fl, "A Multibranch Borehole Approach To HLW Disposal" + E.A. Bates, m.fl "Drop-in concept for deep borehole canister emplacement" >>
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5. Presentationer
Presentationer från workshop i Berlin 5-6 juni 2015:
Andrew Orrell, IAEA ”Final Disposal in Deep Boreholes Using Multiple Geologic Barriers: Digging Deeper for Safety” >>
Patrick V.Brady, m.fl., Sandia National Laboratories ”The U.S. Deep Borehole Field Test” >>
Presentationer från Sandia-MIT Workshop on Deep Borehole Disposal, mars 2010:
Michael J. Driscoll "A Case for Disposal of Nuclear Waste in Deep Boreholes" >>
Peter Swift "Goals for a Deep Borehole Disposal Workshop" >>
Bill W Arnold "Deep Borehole Disposal - Performance Assessment and Criteria for Site Selection" >>
Fergus Gibb "Deep Borehole Disposal" >>
William M. Murphy "Some Observations on Deep Borehole Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-level Nuclear Waste" >>
"Regulatory and Licensing Topics Relevant to Deep Borehole Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste in the United States" >>
Patrick V Brady, Michael J Driscoll "Deep Borehole Disposal of Nuclear Waste: Report from a Sandia-MIT Workshop on March 15, 2010 in Washington, DC." >>
Presentationer från Radioactive Waste Immobilisation Network's workshop, april 2009
John Beswick, "An alternative to a deep mined repository" >>
Fergus Gibb, "Deep borehole disposal: an alternative to the mined and engineered repository for high-level wastes" >>
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6. Artiklar
James Conca, Forbes "Can't We Just Throw Our Nuclear Waste Down A Deep Hole?", mars 2015 >>
E.A Bates, m.fl. "Can deep borehole solve America's nuclear waste problem?", maj 2014 >>
A. John Beswick, Fergus G. F. Gibb, Karl P. Travis "Deep Borehole Disposal of Nuclear Waste: Engineering Challenges", februari 2014 >>
M.J.Driscoll, m.fl. "Technology and policy aspects of deep borehole nuclear waste disposal" Nuclear Technology 2012 >>
Karl P Travis, m.fl., "Modelling Deep Borehole Disposal of Higher Burn-up Spent Nuclear Fuels" Materials Research Society. Symp. Proc. 2012 >>
R Pusch, m.fl. "The Concept of Highly Radioactive Waste (HLW) Disposal in Very Deep Boreholes in a New Perspective" Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, 2012 >>
Bill W. Arnold, m.fl., "Into the Deep" Nuclear Engineering International, 25 mars 2010 >>
Fergus Gibb, "Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD) Methods", Nuclear Engineering International, 25 mars 2010 >>
Fergus Gibb, "Looking Down the Bore" Nuclear Engineering International, 25 mars 2010 >>
"Deep Boreholes - References", Nuclear Engineering International, 25 mars 2010 >>
Fergus G. F. Gibb, "A model for heat flow in deep borehole disposals of high-level nuclear waste", Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.113, 2008 >>
F.G.F. Gibb, m.fl., "The 'Granite encapsulation' route to the safe disposal of Pu and other actinides" Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 374 (3), 364-369, 2008 >>
F.G.F. Gibb, "High-density support matrices: Key to the deep boreholedisposal of spent nuclear fuel", Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 374 (3), pp. 370–377 2008 >>
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7. Andra rapporter
Guido Bracke, m.fl., "Proceedings of the Workshop
'Final Disposal in Deep Boreholes Using Multiple Geological Barriers: Digging Deeper for safety' Juni 2015, Berlin", GRS, mars 2016 >>
Neil A. Chapman "Deep Borehole Disposal of Spent Fuel and Other Radioactive Wastes", Nautilus Institute, juli 2013 >>
David von Hippel, Peter Hayes "Deep Borehole Disposal of Nuclear Spent Fuel and High Level Waste as a Focus of Regional East Asia Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cooperation" Nautilus Institute 2010 >>
Jungmin Kang "An Initital Exploration of the Potential for Deep Borehole Disposal of Nuclear Wastes in South Korea", Nautilus Institute, december 2010 >>
David P. Jackson "Watching Brief on Reprocessing, Partitioning and Transmutation and Alternative Waste Management Technology - Annual Report 2008" NWMO 2008 >>
John Beswick "Status Of Technology Fordeep Borehole Disposal", NDA, april 2008 >>
Brian Brunskill "Discussion of an Option for Geological Storage of Used Nuclear Fuel Beneath the Williston Basin of Southern Saskatchewan" Saskatchewan Geological Survey, 2006 >>
"Technical note - Summary Note for CoRWM on the Physical Disturbances for Deep Geological Disposal, Phased Deep Geological and Deep Borehole Disposal", number 488235, Nirex, oktober 2005 >>
V.M. Shestopalov, m.fl. "Present state of the art in the development of a geological radioaktive waste repository in Ukraine" National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, EUROSAFE 2005 >>
"A Review of the Deep Borehole Disposal Concept for Radioactive Waste", Safety Assessment Management Ltd under contract to Nirex, juni 2004 >>
"Direct Disposal of Plutonium Metal/Plutonium Dioxidein Compound Metal Canisters" Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1996 >>
"Immobilized Disposal of Plutonium in Coated Ceramic Pellets in GroutWithout Canisters" Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1996 >>
G Heiken, m.fl. "Disposition of Excess Weapon Plutonium in Deep Boreholes" Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1996 >>
K.L. Ferguson "Excess plutonium disposition: The deep borehole option (U)" 1994 >>
Johan Swahn, The Long-Term Nuclear Explosives Predicament: The Final Disposal of Militarily Usable Fissile Material in Nuclear Waste From Nuclear Power and From the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Ph.D. Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 1992 >>
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8. SKB-rapporter
TR-89-39 Christopher Juhlin, Håkan Sandstedt "Storage of nuclear waste in very deep boreholes", december 1989 >>
TR-98-05 Christopher Juhlin Consulting, m.fl. "The very deep hole concept - geoscientific appraisal of conditions at great depth" juni 1998 >>
R-00-28 "Försvarsalternativet djupa borrhål - Innehåll och omfattning av FUD-program som krävs för jämförelse med KBS-3-metoden" augusti 2000 >>
R-00-35 Tim Harrison "Very deep borehope - Deutag's opinion on boring, canister emplacement and retrievability", maj 2000 >>
TR-01-11 Lennart Ekman "Project deep drilling KLX02 Phase 2" april 2001 >>
R-04-09 John Smellie "Recent geoscientific information relating to deep crustal studies", januari 2004 >>
R-06-58 Bertil Grundfelt, Marie Wiborgh "Djupa borrhål - Status och analys av konsekvenserna vid användning i Sverige", september 2006 >>
R-06-59 Niko Marsic, m.fl. "Very deep hole concept - thermal effects on groundwaert flow", september 2006 >>
R-10-13 Bertil Grundfelt "Jämförelse mellan KBS-3-metodenoch deponering i djupa borrhål förslutligt omhändertagande av använtkärnbränsle", september 2010 >>
R-10-25 "Metodval - utvärdering av strategier och system för att ta hand om använt kärnbränsle" oktober 2010 >>
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